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Payment Updates

We have added the ability to pay for your suit through square payment processing, so that means no more roundabout ways (cashapp, zelle and venmo). It also means the 'pay now' button on the invoice email actually works now. Also, if your quote is more than $500 then the payment automatically has the option to pay any amount (but as a reminder for us to start working we have to be paid either 50% or 35% [if the invoice is above $1500]).


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Service Pricing Updates

We have lowered our prices for our cleaning and photography services. Cleanings will be $50 and Photography will be $100. Repairs will continue to be $15 per hour. Also, Just a reminder we do free rep

New Logo

We are excited to announce we have a new logo! It will be updated on our website and social media in the coming days. THIS ALSO MEANS that the merch with our old logo will be on sale until it's sold o

New Rule - IMPORTANT!!! Please read!!

If you are anti-lgbt OR anti-trans OR racist OR a bigot, you’ll be blacklisted from purchasing from us. This includes but is not limited to merch, fursuits, services, maintenance. AND if you try to go

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